(Correction: In the recent issue of Mailers Hub News, Issue #181, former Congressman Kevin Yoder was incorrectly identified as Dennis Yoder.) In a recently publicized May 17 letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce, former Congressman Kevin Yoder, now Executive Director of Keep Us Posted, questioned the economic assumptions…
Read MoreTag: postal service
THE USPS Rate Case
Join us as industry expert Leo Raymond and USPS VP, Pricing and Costing, Sharon Owens walk us through the proposed rate changes presented to the PRC. This marks the sixth Rate Case since 2021 – no longer are the rates themselves the only issue, but the issues arising from trying to implement the changes industry-wide in half the time. There…
Read MoreNo More Postal Paperwork! Updated Date and Time
That is correct! The USPS will go 100% Digital in February of 2024. No more paper mail acceptance forms. Paper forms 3600, and 3602 will not be accepted anymore.Acceptance must be digital; mail.dat, mail .xml, postal wizard, or small business tool. Are you ready? Presented by Tom Glassman, Ricoh USA. (Please note – registrations for the original date and time have…
Read MoreWhite Paper Urges PRC Reform
In a paper released May 22, three individuals experienced in the regulatory environment urged reforms be undertaken to revitalize the Postal Regulatory Commission.Authored by Tom Davis, who served in Congress from 1995 through 2008 and was chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, David Williams, formerly USPS Inspector General and a Postal Service governor, and Michael Kubayanda, the…
Read MoreRepeat After Me: 2.5 Days
There always have been occasional stories about somebody getting a letter or card that a long-dead relative had sent years or decades earlier. Where a piece of mail could spend such an interval was always the object of speculation: in an empty sack, stuck in an old letter case, behind a piece of post office furniture – who knows. More…
Read MoreCPI Release Clarifies USPS Rate Authority for April Filing
The Bureau of Labor Statistics March 14 release of the Consumer Price Index for February supplied the final figure needed to calculate the CPI-based portion of the pricing authority that will be available to the Postal Service for its anticipated April filing: 3.406%. Part one The agency’s CPI-based rate authority resets to zero after every price filing, so the size…
Read MoreThe Postal Rate Case
The USPS filed its latest rate case on Monday, April 10, 2023. How will this next round of rate hikes affect you and your customers? Leo Raymond will be joined by Sharon Owens, USPS VP, Pricing & Costing to expand on the changes, explain how they’ll affect you, and answer your questions. Registration is FREE to all! (Recording access available…
Read MorePRC Issues Split Decision on Accounting Question
In an order issued January 25, the Postal Regulatory Commission gave each side of an ongoing argument a little of what it wanted. Accounting The issue at hand is simple: how the USPS should account for the $59.6 billion in “prefunding” obligations forgiven by the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 enacted last April. The answer to that question would…
Read MoreAlong for the Ride
Nearly three years into the reign of Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General, many in the commercial mail production business have conceded that their irrelevance to Postal Service leadership is now nearly total. Accordingly, what they think or need matters virtually not at all at L’Enfant Plaza, and, as a result, we’re all just along for the ride. Where that ride…
Read MorePMG Comments Foretell Continued Price Increases – Analysis
When the comments of an organization’s top executive to its board of directors are published in a press release after they’ve met, it’s likely that such a statement is less intended to report on the meeting’s proceedings than to provide curated information for public and media consumption. Any candid discussions among the organization’s leadership are kept confidential. The Postal Service’s…
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