Untouchable – Commentary

In speaking with our subscribers, a frequent and predictable topic is the price and service impacts of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s 10-Year Plan.  At some point in such conversations comes the question of how and by whom implementation of his Plan can be slowed or stopped.  The answer is simple: only two entities can do that, and neither is about to.

The governors

The first would be the Governors of the Postal Service.  By statute, they have the sole authority to hire and fire a postmaster general and they (some of the current governors and some whose terms have expired) are who hired DeJoy in mid-2020.  As a result, they may believe that, as their choice, they must stand by him.  Since then, though the constituency of the governors has changed, their support for DeJoy and his policies has remained steadfast – at least, as best as their shrouded proceedings can be discerned by outsiders.

Many observers attribute this to the governors’ fingerprints on the PMG’s Plan – they bought into it so they’re not about to make themselves look bad by backing away.  Moreover, given DeJoy’s confrontational attitude, he likely plays the same card whenever questions arise: “I have a Plan; what do you have”?  Though his is not the only possible plan, his bullying pushes the argument that, essentially, his plan is better than any possible alternatives.

Anyone who’d hoped that new blood among the governors would alter the group’s allegiance to DeJoy thus far has been disappointed.  The political support remains and, more importantly, Roman Martinez IV, a devoted acolyte of DeJoy, is still chairman of the Board of Governors, so any newcomers’ shenanigans that would oust DeJoy likely are killed quickly.

In short, no matter what observers may think could or should happen, the current governors remain loyal, and shouldn’t be expected to slow him down any time soon, despite recently expressed concerns.


Congress cannot direct the selection or dismissal of a postmaster general but, as a politically-driven legislative institution, it can take actions and generate circumstances that could motivate the governors to more effectively influence the PMG or, if push came to shove, fire him.

In recent months, DeJoy has appeared before the committees with postal oversight, members of Congress have written letters to him, and politicians have communicated constituent issues and complaints.  For his part, DeJoy has brushed aside such pressure and has developed a reputation for not even returning calls or letters from Congress.  In effect, knowing that only the governors can fire him, he’s flouting his independence from Congressional influence and doing as little as he can to deal with the folks on The Hill – where still has protective political friends just in case.

Moreover, politicians have a short attention span and have to deal with issues that are more important than Louis DeJoy.  Adding to that is the looming election season; constituents back home may gripe about poor delivery, but the politicians can point to their letters to DeJoy as proof of responsive action.

Of course, given that governor nominees must be confirmed by the Senate, its members, and particularly those on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, can grill nominees for governor positions – and there are three currently – and thus have some impact on them, but the duration of that influence likely fades after confirmation.

As a result, disgruntled ratepayers shouldn’t put much faith in Congress as a source of relief from DeJoy and his Plan.


Mailers sometimes ask about the Postal Regulatory Commission and what they can do to alter the PMG’s Plan.  Given the well-reported limitations on the commission’s authority they can do very little.  DeJoy knows that and his behavior toward the PRC reflects that knowledge.  Even less influential are stakeholder groups – like MTAC and the major ratepayer organizations – who can opine and complain but also are wholeheartedly ignored by the PMG and his inner circle.

DeJoy demonstrates a shrewd and calculated awareness of who can hurt him and who can’t and he knows that, at least for now, he’s untouchable.

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