Though the Postal Service has issued its PQ IV service performance data, it remains questionable whether the reported figures truly represent the service experience of the associated class or category of mail. Significant quantities of mail remain not “in measurement” for any of several reasons, but the leading causes are “long haul,” “no piece scan,” and “no start-the clock.”
The “long haul” exclusion, which mainly impacts Presorted First-Class Mail, was supposedly remediated by a change that was approved by the PRC and implemented by the USPS at the end of May. Volume excluded for that reason should have declined in PQ IV but, as can be seen below, it remains a significant reason for exclusion from measurement.
As the Postal Service continues its weekly litany of self-congratulatory press releases about service, the credibility of those releases and the underlying scores would be greatly improved if the universe of mail reflected by the scores was shown to be truly representative of the entire mailstream.

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